Dudelet's Blog

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Welcome to the Lauren Dempster Show....


Suddenly realised that i hadn't blogged for a couple of days. I suppose the only reason for this is that I haven't had a spare minute, what with PAL, Ron Poet's "great" Unix course and trying to catch up with folk.

During one such catch up with a friend we were chatting about how everyday I come into Uni something else new, usually bad and concerning my ever topsy-turvey love life has happened.

Rather like a soap opera, in fact, this is not the first time this comparison has been made.....

A couple of years back, when everyone was writing their profiles for the School Year book. I was having a disussion with one of my friends on the subject of what we would be 'Most likely to be...'. There were the obvious ones, you know at every school there is always most likely to be in 'a Colgate advert', 'in prison', 'still living with the parents' and 'trying to take over the world', none of these really applying to us we had to come up with some new ones. After some deliberation (and me ignoring her first suggestion) she said that i was most likely "to be living in a soap opera".

At the time I thought maybe she was over-reacting, I mean I was only 17 or something at the time things aren't meant to run smoothly then. Looking back I've never really stopped being like that, so I suppose she did make a very good point.

I always seem to muck everything up. When anything goes right, I somehow seem to muck that up to. It's a skill I should really have grown out of...

Anyway until that happens, I wouldn't count on it though, I'm sure I will still be going into Uni every morning with another new and exciting (for anyone not involved) installment of the Lauren Dempster Show.

Watch this space!



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